Reference: Conversion Rebate Amount: The amount of the Conversion Rebate is for 80% of the cost of the conversion of the vehicle to an alternate fuel up to $4,000. Application Deadline for a Conversion Rebate: There has been a change in the application deadline for a Conversion Rebate! In 2009, the Alternate Fuels Act was amended by the Illinois General Assembly and signed by the Governor to change the application deadline for a Conversion Rebate. However, this change became effective on August 14, 2009 and only affects vehicle conversions to an alternate fuel that are completed on or after August 14, 2009. For applicants for a Conversion Rebate, in which the vehicle conversion was completed from January 1, 2009 through August 13, 2009, the application deadline is December 31, 2009 (same deadline as before). For applicants for a Conversion Rebate, in which the vehicle conversion was completed on or after August 14, 2009, there is now a 12-month application time period (with the deadline being the last day of the 12th month). For example, if the vehicle conversion was completed on August 16, 2009, the application must be postmarked by August 31, 2010. The Illinois EPA processes Conversion Rebates twice each year, at the end of June and at the end of the year, on a six-month cycle. Your approved Conversion Rebate application will be processed for payment at the end of the next six-month cycle. Please call the Illinois EPA at (800) 635-2380 if you have any questions. * Please contact your accountant for advice in your situation.