AFVs displaying the proper alternative fuel license plate may use HOV lanes, regardless of the number of passengers. (Reference Georgia Code 32-9-4 and 40-2-76) Nissan Leaf Range Extender is available for 4KWH model and 8KWH mo
The Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit is a nonrefundable energy tax credit to help individual taxpayers pay for qualified residential alternative energy equipment, such as solar electric (PV) systems, solar hot water heaters, geothermal he
In Colorado, House Bill 1331, the "Incentives for Efficient Motor Vehicles" act, creates or extends tax credits for natural gas conversions, plug-in hybrid conversions, diesel-electric hybrid conversions (don't see many of those) and al
Clean Fuel Vehicle Tax Credit The state provides an income tax credit of 35% of the vehicle purchase price or $2,500, whichever is less, for an original equipment manufactured compressed natural gas vehicle registered in Utah. Other new clean fuel ve
Reference: Conversion Rebate Amount: The amount of the Conversion Rebate is for 80% of the cost of the conversion of the vehicle to an alternate fuel up to $4,000. Application Deadline for a Convers
Plug-In Hybrid and Zero Emission Light-Duty Vehicle Rebates Rebates are available through the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) for the purchase or lease of qualified vehicles. The rebates offer up to $5,000 for light-duty zero emission and plug-in
Promotional Offers 4KWH Solar Backup Generator and PHEV Kit 8KWH Solar Backup Generator and PHEV Kit Please contact your closest Enginer dealers for purchase and installation. The list is available on our Installers page. If t
During Progressive Insurance X Prize competition, Enginer kit has been tested under EPA UDDS standard and achieved 95.8 MPG according to Chrysler Emission Labl Report. Hypermiling Tests on Enginer Prius PHEV under the f
The kit includes all necessary components for the installation. It comes with pre-assembled battery box and two battery packs. It takes professional installers 4 hours to install. DIYers with mechanical and electrical engineering background usuall
Affordability is one of our primary objectives in the design. The kit pays for itself during the operation life. It can be transferred to new vehicle. Customers can select different battery capcity to meet their travel and finanical needs. It rang